Friday, 5 October 2012


The worldwide web is full of marvellous images. They must have bigger cameras than me.
 Here are some such pictures.

(Picture Credit - Crystalline Turquoise Lake, Jiuzhaigou National Park, China, by Korubu - Alexandre Martins - on Flickr) 

Here's another one from Korubu:

(Hotel Poseidon, Fiji)

For more images from Korubu please go to:

Another picture for you:

(Photo Credit - Compute Scotland)

(Picture Source - )

- As featured on my poem "Cyberspace".


(German Mirror - Picture Credit - Google Images: frenchantiquestexas dot com)

This image features on my Poetry blog: my poem "Mirror Mirror", which has attracted hundreds of Views recently. I assume it is mainly the picture which is so popular.

If you want to buy this mirror or view it on sale, please go to:


I am a hobby Writer. But I see you Internet People love Images. Well here they are for you.

First off: some pictures of ME. My Profile, if you like.

(Me - Taken this very morning by my sister on my little Praktica Digital Camera)

I just walked into the conservatory and asked her to take my photo. Tried NOT to purse my lips this time!

(From My Parents' Photos)

Yep I've changed a bit since THIS lol. A professional photographer took this in Armley Town Street, Leeds. Mum tells me she held me up with her hand for this as she hid behind the "settee".

(From my Parents)

David Beckham eat your heart out. Me at three being coached by Mum at Flamborough, East Yorkshire. This caravan site was a regular holiday haunt of ours in the 1950s.

(From My Camera)

...Of course I'm much more grown up now. **Coughs** Here I'm using my sister's bin lid for that Spaceman look. As an infant I put a cardboard box over my head (cut out a slit to see through) but nobody took any photos of that. lol

(Picture Credit - Me)

They say Internet folk have low attention spans, so here's one for the road. Of course it's me with my Praktica using my bathroom mirror. Nuff fer this post.